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Gregory J Tarantola DDS

Dr. Tarantola's Book "WHOLE HEALTH DENTISTRY" Is Now Published And Available On Amazon!!

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For Recommendations/Advice Regarding Your Concerns or Needs, Contact Dr. T. 

This site is for informational and educational purposes to help patients become more proactive and effective at oral health using effective and natural techniques and products. The goal is to lessen the need for invasive dental procedures. Oral/dental conditions can only be definitively diagnosed by your dentist.

"The doctor of the future will be oneself."
Albert Schweitzer
 1865-1965 writer, humanitarian, philosopher, and physician

Dr. Tarantola's Book Is Published And Available On Amazon!!

Your Oral Health Is In Your Hands

See the table of contents of Dr. Tarantola's upcoming book Whole Health Dentistry

See the "8 Pillars Of Holistic Wellness"

Regular daily plaque (bacteria) removal and nourishment/remineralization of teeth are paramount for maintaining optimal oral and overall health. By diligently removing plaque through daily oral hygiene practices customized to each individual's oral/dental condition, we can prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and plaque-related conditions like cavities and gum disease. Additionally, promoting nourishment and remineralization through natural teeth strengtheners like hydroxyapatite, proper nutrition and supplementation to get important vitamins like K2 to strengthen and fortify tooth enamel - and even some cavities - making it more resistant to decay or stopping certain cavities from progressing. These simple yet essential habits not only preserve oral health but also contribute to overall well-being by reducing the risk of systemic diseases linked to oral health issues.

Self Care Videos

The videos below illustrate the basic ways to use various devices to remove plaque and biofilm. Every mouth and set of teeth are different so the devices, techniques, and sequence need to be modified for your own situation. Our hygienist coaches patients in the devices and methods that work best for them.

* Click Here for a suggested daily oral care routine and sequence

* Click Here to read Dr. Mercola's Article - "Take Care Of Your Mouth To Protect Your Brain"

The key is holding the brush at a 45-degree angle so the bristles slip under the gums and in between the teeth, wiggling in small circles to disrupt the plaque and swishing up on the lower teeth and down on the upper teeth. Vigorous back-and-forth scrubbing can harm gums and roots. A soft toothbrush is all that is needed. I personally like the Sea Turtle Bamboo toothbrush. 

Electric toothbrushes are great too. I personally like and recommend Sonicare. The sonic vibrations are better than a spinning head.

Buy The Recommended Toothbrushes Here

Flossing is an important part of daily oral hygiene. It removes the plaque/biofilm from the teeth surfaces that touch each other. This is an area where cavities can form - called "interproximal" cavities. Flossing after brushing with a remineralizing toothpaste helps clean and remineralize these surfaces.

Note in the videos that the floss is wrapped forward and back around that surface and gently slid under the gum till you feel resistance. Then slide up and down 3 times to thoroughly deplaque. I prefer to avoid Teflon-coated floss because it can be a toxic substance. 

Buy The Recommended Floss Here

When there is gum recession - and this is a common thing, I see this in over 90% of patients - roots and spaces between the teeth become exposed. Root surfaces are convex making a regular brush and floss sometimes ineffective at cleaning these areas. The SulcaBrush works great in these areas because it is a small tuft of bristles able to get in tight areas and the head is angled so it is better able to reach around corners.

Buy The SulcaBrush Here

When there are large spaces between the teeth, the ProxaBrush, and a version of the ProxaBrush called SoftPic, are excellent at cleaning these areas. These devices are especially effective at applying remineralizing products to these hard-to-reach areas.

Buy The ProxaBrush Here

Buy The SoftPic Here

Buy Floss Threaders Here to floss under bridges, braces, and retainers

Buy SuperFloss Here Thicker, fuzzy floss works well if you have wider spaces but not quite wide enough for the ProxaBrush or SoftPick

Buy Natural Floss Picks Here Handy to use when you can't do regular floss...and all natural.

Check the effectiveness of your daily oral care routine. Chew tablet when you're done - any remaining plaque will be stained so you can see if/where you may have missed. 
Buy Plaque Disclosing Tablets Here

The WaterPick is an excellent intra-oral cleaning tool. It helps rinse and flush all areas of debris, especially from under the gum and in between the teeth. When one has gum issues, especially periodontitis where there are deeper pockets and bone loss, it is especially helpful to use ozonated water rather than just tap water. Ozonated water is a natural disinfectant so when used with the water pick it not only cleans and flushes but also decreases the periodontal disease-causing bacteria from all those hard-to-reach areas.

Buy The Water Pick Here
Buy A Water Ozonator Here


The Sonicare is very effective at removing plaque and biofilm. The sonic vibrations get the remineralizing products into hard-to-reach areas, especially the deep pits and grooves on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth.

See The Sonicare in the "Toothbrushes" tab or by CLICKING HERE

Oratec Pocket Care Irragator

The Oratec Packet Care Irrigator is a good adjunct to the Water Pick for deeper periodontal pockets. Used with ozonated water, slip the cannula under the gums and gently flush the pocket to get rid of the periodontal disease-causing bacteria. Make sure it is the "end port" so it gets to the bottom of the pocket. Have your dentist give you a road map of the pockets to be irrigated.

Buy The Oratec Pocket Care Irrigator Here


Oratec Pocket Care Irragator

Pick 2 - You Can't Have All 3!

Dr. Tarantola's book entitled Whole Health Dentistry Is Published And Available On Amazon!! CLICK HERE!!

Table Of Contents


  • The Journey Toward Whole Health Dentistry: Why It Matters

Chapter 1: A Holistic Perspective

  • The Interconnectedness of Oral and Overall Health – Body Meridians
  • 10 Factors to Consider in the Holistic Dental Approach

Chapter 2: Embracing Chemical-Free and More Natural Products and Procedures

  • The Risks of Some Conventional Dental Materials
  • Natural Alternatives in Modern Dentistry for Healthy Teeth, Inflammation Control and Pathology Prevention

Chapter 3: The Power of Preservation, Protection and Prevention – the 3 P’s.

  • Beyond Brushing and Flossing: A Lifestyle of Prevention – An Effective Daily Protocol
  • From Reactive to Proactive: The Shift in Dental Philosophy
  • Nourishing Teeth From The Outside In and The Inside Out
  • Protecting Your Oral Environment: Safeguarding Natural Teeth and Dental Interventions from  Harm and Pathology – Clenching/Grinding Control
  • Lifelong Benefits of a Triple-P Approach (Preserve-Protect-Prevent), Honoring Both Natural Teeth and Restorative Dentistry

Chapter 4: Choosing Biocompatible Materials

  • The Science of Biocompatibility in Dentistry – Are Materials Compatible For You?
  • Safe, Metal-free Dental Restorative Materials
  • The Dangers of Silver/Mercury and Its Safe Removal

Chapter 5: Minimally Invasive Procedures

  • Preserving the Natural: Why Less is Often More
  • Techniques and Technologies Leading the Way – More Aggressive Procedures are Often Quicker Therefore More Quickly Recommended But Not Necessarily Better
  • The Unique Case of Root Surface Cavities
  • What About Missing Teeth?

Chapter 6: The Whole-Person Focus

  • Delving Deeper: Questions Your Holistic Dentist Might Ask
  • The Psychological and Emotional Aspects of Dental Care – The Initial Conversation Should Never Be Rushed

Chapter 7: An Integrated Approach to Dental Health

  • The Collaborative Healthcare Network
  • When the Patient’s Medical Status Requires Close Collaboration and Coordination for Optimal, Safe Results.

Chapter 8: Education and Empowerment

  • Knowledge as Power: Making Informed Decisions
  • How Does Education Happen in the Dental Office so it is True Interactive Learning and Not Just A Presentation?

Chapter 9: Time, Quality, and Connection: Crafting Holistic Dental Excellence

  • The Importance of Unhurried Appointments in Building Trust
  • The Pitfalls of Overloaded Schedules
  • Quality, Service, Price: The Triad of Healthcare Decisions
  • The Value of Undivided Attention in Dental Care

Chapter 10: Observations vs. Problems: Deciphering Dental Needs

  • The Art of Dental Observation: Recognizing Variations from the 'Ideal'
  • Identifying Genuine Concerns: When an Observation Becomes a Problem
  • Navigating the Gray Areas: Understanding the Spectrum of Dental Interventions
  • When to Act and When to Actively Monitor: Utilizing a Patient-Centered Approach


  • Your Path Forward: Embracing Whole Health Dentistry in Your Life


The 8 Pillars Of Holistic Wellness

The 8 pillars of holistic wellness encompass various aspects of well-being, aiming for balance and harmony in one's important word being "aiming". We never achieve 100% perfection however these goals help guide us, keep us on track, and guide us back on track. These pillars include physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, occupational, spiritual, and financial wellness.

  1. Physical Wellness: Focuses on maintaining a healthy body through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest.
  2. Emotional Wellness: Involves understanding and managing emotions effectively, fostering resilience, and nurturing healthy relationships.
  3. Social Wellness: Emphasizes building supportive social networks, fostering positive relationships, and contributing to the community.
  4. Intellectual Wellness: Involves continuous learning, critical thinking, and creativity to stimulate mental growth and development.
  5. Environmental Wellness: Focuses on respecting and preserving the natural environment, promoting sustainability, and creating healthy living spaces.
  6. Occupational Wellness: Involves finding satisfaction and fulfillment in one's work, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and pursuing meaningful career goals.
  7. Spiritual Wellness: Nurtures a sense of purpose and meaning in life, fostering personal beliefs, values, and connections to something greater than oneself.
  8. Financial Wellness: Focuses on managing finances responsibly, setting financial goals, and maintaining stability and security.

By addressing each of these pillars, individuals can approach holistic wellness, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.


Holistic Dentistry Info Sheets

The following info sheets describe the procedures, techniques, various steps taken, precautions, and materials used in the holistic approach.

1. What Is Holistic?

The focus is the whole person, not just their mouth/teeth/gums; how oral issues affect overall health; uninterrupted time for conversation and understanding and total focus on every minute detail of minimally invasive dental procedures.

Click Here for the "What Is Holistic" Info Sheet
* Click Here for a medical article showing that patients get only 11 seconds talking with their doctor!!!

* Click Here for a video on draining your lymphatics


3. Tooth Meridian Chart

Click Here For The Interactive Tooth Meridian Chart

Click HERE to see a larger image

Meridians are passageways through which energy flows throughout the body. Disruption of this energy flow can be caused by mouth/teeth issues which can be a factor in overall health issues.

6. Daily Protocol
* Click Here for the "Home Care Regimen for Optimal Tooth and Gum Health" Info Sheet

The goal is to remove plaque/biofilm from all areas with the right products and techniques - customized for each individual's needs -  and nourish the teeth with the right natural products. 

The "Daily Protocol" also takes diet into consideration. A healthy diet for oral health should focus on nutrient-dense foods that support strong teeth and gums while minimizing sugars and acids that can contribute to decay. Cavity causing bacteria turn sugar into acids which erode and decay teeth. READ AN ARTICLE ON THIS HERE! Include plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Remember fruits have sugar and some have citric acid so be sure to rinse afterwards.  Also include lean proteins like fish and poultry, whole grains, and dairy products for calcium. Avoid sugary snacks and beverages, acidic foods that can erode enamel, and limit processed foods. If you do eat or drink sugary snacks, it’s better to consume it all over a short period of time. Sipping or nibbling over a long time period subjects your teeth to more frequent acid attacks. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps rinse away food particles and keeps the mouth hydrated. Additionally, chewing sugar-free gum after meals can stimulate saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and remineralize enamel.* Click Here for the "Oil Pulling" Info Sheet

Click Here For A Scientific Article On The Benefits Of Oil Pulling

Click Here for Medical Review Article on Oral pH Low (acidc) pH can occur for many reasons and can be a factor in demineralization and cavities. You can check your saliva pH (kits available under "Toothpaste"). Diet and CariFree toothpaste can help raise pH.
* Periodontology 2000 Article On The Oral Microbiome
* Click Here For a More In-depth Analysis of your Mouth Bacteria with the Saliva Test at "Bristle Health"
* See A Sample Bristle Report Here


7. Ozone

For larger image click HERE

One of the best natural disinfectants. We use it during procedures and you can use it at home to control problem causing bacteria.

Click Here for the "Ozone" Info Sheet Here

Click Here For A Scientific Article On The Use Of Ozone In Dentistry


8. Healthy Pulp

Click Here for the "Keeping The Tooth Pulp Healthy" Info Sheet

Click Here for a scientific article "An Overview Of The Dental Pulp"

Keep the pulp healthy - and therefore the entire tooth - with a good diet, natural remineralizing products, and Vitamin K2. And when dentistry is done, it should be the kindest, most tooth-conserving procedure possible. The more aggressive the procedure, the harder it is on the pulp.

If the pulp becomes inflamed (pulpitis) it can be overly sensitive and even painful. We try to determine if it is reversible or irreversible. If the tooth is sensitive to cold and stops right away, that's normal. If it lingers for some time, that means there's more advanced inflammation. Hot sensitivity that lingers is even more. A tooth that hurts by itself may be irreversible inflammation. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT, cold laser, red light laser) can decrease inflammation and stimulate healing...if it is reversible inflammation.

If the tooth has a deep cavity and needs to be treated, the cavity is carefully removed, the remaining tooth disinfected with ozone and the pulp protected with a calcium liner - a "pulp cap" - to protect the pulp and give the osteoblasts the nourishment they need to heal. * Read An Article On The Success Of Vital Pulp Capping

* Click Here for a protocol to get your teeth ready for restorations - especially deep cavities

Click Here for a scientific article abstract on protecting the pulp with pulp capping.

* Learn About Vitamin K2 Here and Low Level Laser Here

* Buy Vitamin K2 and Beef Organ Supplements Here

Buy A Low-Level Laser Device Here


9. Root Cavities

Click Here for the "The Dangers Of Root Surface Cavities" Info Sheet

Root surface cavities are the most difficult kind of cavity to treat. Once restored, the chances of future problems and re-treats are high. So the best thing is to avoid them with proper daily care and remineralizing products (BioRepair Advanced Nighttime and Dentite) especially if there is a lot of recession. Ozonated water in a WaterPick directed at the cavity is very helpful. You can also apply ozone gas directly with the flexible tubing with the bubbler removed. Another way to apply ozone is oil pulling with PurO3 oxonated oil. And if it does need to be treated, be even more diligent to avoid future problems.

* Click Here to see the Ozone Info Sheet 

An in-office silver nitrate protocol can often be used to stop and even reverse unrestorable cavities.

* Click Here to see the Silver Nitrate Protocol

* Click Here to see a scientific article on the use of silver nitrate

* Buy BioRepair Nighttime

* Buy Dentite


10. Dental X-rays

Click Here for the "Dental Radiology" Info Sheet

Modern dental X-rays are digital and very safe. The number and frequency should be based on patient history and needs and only after a clinical exam is done to determine necessity. For new patients, since we do photos, we need less x-rays. 


11. No Crowns

Click Here for the "Say No To Crowns" Info Sheet

There are teeth conditions that do require teeth to be restored with crowns, however, my opinion is that they are over-prescribed. Many times a much more conservative restoration can be done.

* Click Here for a scientific article abstract on the potential pulpal damage from crowns
*  Click Here for an article in the Journal Of The American Dental Assosiation on the risks of the Re-Restoration of teeth
* Click Here to see "The Advantages Of Minimally Invasive Dentistry" by Dr. Gordon Christensen

After careful consideration of all factors, if it's determined that a crown is the best treatment option, lab-processed zirconia crowns emerge as an outstanding choice due to their exceptional strength, even in thin designs. This necessitates minimal reduction of the tooth, promoting a conservative approach that preserves the integrity of the living pulp.

* Click Here for a "Zirconia Crown" Info Sheet


12. Photographs

Click Here For The "Why Photographs Of Teeth Are Essential" Info Sheet

For best results, these are done with a 35mm camera and mirrors. It requires 2 people to do them properly. Many offices use what is called an "intraoral" camera. It is a wand-type device - it is quick and easy and can be done with one person. But quick and easy is not always better. The photos are not as good a quality and are somewhat distorted. The views are all very close up and don't show the broader perspective such as the way the teeth bite and arch form. You can't diagnose what you can see. And we don't need near as many X-rays!


13. Clenching/Grinding

Click Here For The "Do You Clench Or Grind Your Teeth" Info Sheet

Teeth clenching and grinding is a habit - and it can be a bad one! Chewing generates 75 psi. Grinding at night can generate 250 psi! The typical treatment suggested is a "mouthguard" to cover and protect the teeth. It can protect from damage but you still clench/grind...just on the mouthguard. It is also often suggested to "rebuild the bite" by crowning all the teeth - A MAJOR AND INVASIVE UNDERTAKING! It may improve the bite but it still may not stop the clenching/grinding as it is a habit ingrained in the subconscious mind. And that can be changed by getting the right message to the subconscious mind, as described in the info sheet, via biofeedback/self-hypnosis.   *Click Here To access the self-hypnosis audio described in the info sheet.  Listen to it as you fall'll be amazed. See a scientific article on the "Feasibility of Self-Administered Hypnosis" HERE

Click Here to see the "Muse S" (Gen 2) BIOFEEDBACK device and View An In-Depth Video Review by Dr. Cody Rall YOUR PERSONAL MEDITATION & SLEEP ASSISTANT: Improve your meditation practice and sleep hygiene with real-time feedback on your mind & body. Muse S (Gen 2) monitors your Mind, Heart, Body & Breath just like Muse 2 and Muse S (Gen 1), and features EEG-powered Sleep Tracking, Journeys & Soundscapes, and all-new Digital Sleeping Pills. Read the article The Power Of Sleep

What if you really do need a mouthguard?  * Click Here to read the "MOUTHGUARD" info sheet 
To manage jaw joint or jaw muscle pain you can use LOW LEVEL LASER   To nourish the joints internlly use MERCOLA JOINT SUPPLEMENTS

Clenching and grinding can also make the periodontal ligament (PDL) around the teeth sore just like any ligament that is stressed. The PDL has living cells called "fibroblasts" which can help the ligament heal. Discomfort can be alleviated and healing can be accelerated with low level laser - see options HERE.

Clenching and grinding can crack teeth. Click Here To Read A Scientific Article

Click Here for a scientific article abstract on the role of fibroblasts in the periodontal ligament 


14. Silver/Mercury

Click Here For The "Silver/Mercury Removal Protocol" Info Sheet

Watch this video on the hazards of mercury. When removing silver/mercury, the patient has wrap-around eye protection, nasal oxygen mask, special mouthpiece (purple) that wraps around that quadrant of teeth and seals off the cheek/tongue/throat, a suction device (white tube) that has a tip that wraps around the individual tooth, and an overhead vacuum...the ultimate protection from the silver/mercury removal.

* Click Here for "Minimizing The Effects Of Silver/Mercury" Protocol

Consider these supplements before, during, and after silver/mercury removal. Everyone's immune system is different so if you have any questions or concerns, ask your Integrative Medicine physician.

Buy the products here 

Chlorella  Vitamin C  Magnesium  Vitamin E  NAC - N-Acetyl Cysteine  Zeolite


15. Composites

Click Here For The "Direct Bonded Composite Restorations" Info Sheet

Patients are often told that removing the silver/mercury will weaken the tooth and that the tooth will always look grey. Obviously not the case! And they also are often told that because of the cracks in the enamel, crowns are needed. Again, obviously not the case! Done properly these can be a great restoration...conservative and kind to the pulp. Also, that are MANY restorative materials available to dentists. If a patient's medical status includes material sensitivities or immune response issues, we have them get the LRA (Lymphocyte Response Assay) Dental Materials Reactivity Test to be sure the materials used will be biocompatible. For more information CLICK HERE

Click Here For The "Direct Bonded Composite Onlay Restoration" Info Sheet

Today's modern dental composites are long-lasting and wear resistant. When the cusps are weak but the circumference is intact a direct bonded composite can be done that "onlays" or covers the entire chewing surface. Way more conservative than a crown and done in one visit so the dental pulp is not subjected to additional trauma. It is very technique sensitive and time-consuming to do. The restoration has to be done in small segments to optimize bonding and minimize shrinkage which is why a lot of dentists don't do them. And you cannot delegate any of the steps. It has been one of my favorite restorations to do. Sometimes the strength of porcelain is needed - Click here to read about "A Porcelain Onlay". If a tooth really does need a crown, lab-processed zirconia is the thinnest, strongest, and therefore kindest to the tooth. Click here to read about "Zirconia Crowns."


16. Missing Teeth

Click Here For The "Replacing Missing Teeth" Info Sheet

To replace or not replace! That is the question. And if so, how?


19. Root Canals

Click Here For The "Root Canal" Info Sheet

Root canals are accepted as appropriate and safe treatment by mainstream dentistry. Holistic dentists feel otherwise. It is a specialty in dentistry called endodontics and the specialists have years of extra training and many are Board-Certified which is a grueling process so the root canal process itself is precise - specialists actually use a microscope to do the treatment. The big concern is that the internal anatomy of the roots - the millions of microscopic dentinal tubules - cannot be sterilized and sealed even with the best techniques so they can be a breeding ground for pathogens. Read the infosheet noted above for a more indepth discussion.

See The Scientific Article Abstract "Bacterial invasion into dentinal tubules of human vital and nonvital teeth" HERE


20. Problems vs. Observations

Click Here to read the "Just An Observation or Really A Problem?" Info Sheet

It's essential to understand that not everything that falls short of the "ideal" in dental/oral health necessarily requires treatment. The crucial question to answer is whether the issue is causing a problem. If it is indeed causing a problem, then you have a valid rationale for pursuing treatment.


22. The Holistic Trend

In our dental practice, we have witnessed a growing trend among patients who are actively seeking holistic and conservative approaches to their dental care. These individuals are not only concerned about their oral health but also value the integration of dentistry with their overall well-being. They are eager for relevant information that empowers them to make informed decisions aligned with their best interests. Through our conversations with these patients, it has become evident that their holistic approach extends beyond dentistry, encompassing broader aspects of medical care, nutrition, and lifestyle choices.

* Click Here to read an indepth article about the growing trend of people seeking a holistic approach to medical and dental care